a monumental morning

it was another painful 5:30am call time but this time ashley and i were headed to the pantheon. when i was last in rome, i merely walked past this site as the masses of people were just too much. so thankfully we were able to dedicate one of the mornings to see the pantheon in all it's glory.

a sharp contrast to the trevi fountain the morning previously, there was not a soul at the pantheon and i had no complaints! this meant we were able to leisurely take our photos to get the shots we needed.

i decided to save my favorite dress of the moment for this morning because i knew i was going to love how the stripes looked with the columns! i ended up wearing this dress a few times while i was there and it was so comfortable adventuring through rome in it!


dress: fendi (also love this striped dress)
shoes: tabitha simmons
bag: kate spade
sunglasses: dolce & gabbana