show your stripes

i can’t believe summer is technically over and that fall is right around the corner…i mean where has the time gone!? i have had some truly amazing experiences throughout this summer and my website has definitely taken a back seat as a result. posts have definitely been sporadic and delayed but i’m definitely trying to get better at planning these out!

throughout this summer, i have traveled to mackinac island, sweden, nantucket, chicago, rhode island, and the maldives that have all yet to be shared here on the blog! with my job, i am always looking at and going through other people’s photos so sometimes it seems like such a pain to go through my own…which is why it takes me five months to post a full outfit post here on the blog. again, i’m trying to get better because i, of course, want to make sure the pieces are still available that i’m wearing and that they are still seasonally appropriate. but i definitely know i’m going to still be posting sun dresses in the middle of october haha!

one day maybe maybe i’ll have it all together but until then, randomness is just going to do!

dress: akris
belt: frame (old, similar here)
shoes: christian louboutin (also in white)
bag: loeffler randall
earrings: celine
necklace: cartier
bracelets: cartier, dior
sunglasses: illesteva