i can see your halo

ever since starting this blog, and even before then now that i think about it, i have always been interested in photography. i mentioned a little in my nye post that 2015 was full of trials and errors when it came to my photography. for example, i look back at this post and cringe...but i digress. i am constantly trying to improve the quality of my pictures and look to other bloggers like atlantic-pacific and gal meets glam for inspiration.

one style of photograph that i am always drawn to is when the sun is behind me and creates this "halo" effect (definitely not the technical term). i first saw this style from blair in this post and knew i needed to try it out. i used my newest haircut as an excuse to give it a shot and i didn't hate it! stay tuned for more adventures with my photography!

coat: zara (old, similar here)
dress: theory
boots: steve madden
scarf: white + warren
bag: fendi
sunglasses: karen walker